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The Face ID system, used in devices like Apple’s iPhone, relies on a variety of components to accurately map and recognize a user’s face. One crucial element in this system is the infrared (IR) crystal, also known as a flood illuminator or dot projector crystal. Here’s a breakdown of its role:
1. **Dot Projector Crystal**: This component projects a grid of over 30,000 invisible IR dots onto your face, creating a 3D map. The crystal used in the dot projector is critical for ensuring that these dots are emitted at precise angles and intensities.
2. **Flood Illuminator**: This IR crystal emits a broad beam of infrared light that helps the system recognize your face in low-light conditions. The crystal’s quality and clarity ensure that the infrared light is evenly distributed across your face.
Both these crystals are highly engineered to work in tandem with the device’s IR camera, which captures the reflected IR light to generate a 3D model of your face for authentication purposes.